What about Debbie L?

Hiking off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Waynesboro, Virginia

Hiking off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Waynesboro, Virginia

This blog contains random thoughts on random days as I continue this journey called life. I was once lost, but then I was found. I was once depressed and felt hopeless. Then I learned all about FORGIVENESS and grace. Now I can hardly contain my joy and I’m full of hope! I have wronged many people (including myself) but I have been forgiven. I share about one of the biggest areas in my life where I truly learned what forgiveness means and how AWESOME it is to be forgiven for a grievous wrong.

My purpose in this blog is about L.I.F.E.

All about Love; Intending to be Inspirational; Sharing about our Freedom; and most importantly, to be an Encourager!

Maybe something I share can touch someone, encourage someone or inspire them to seek and find the source of my joy and strength, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the one who has set me FREE (not only spiritually, but caused me to become a minimalist and now to travel full time).

My other blog is a blog written with my husband and is dedicated to the restoration of our marriage and then we modified it to be about our full-time travels in an RV. Visit it here. 

And Click here for the best of the best!

Or click here to learn how I became a wanderlust!


12 thoughts on “What about Debbie L?

  1. Glad to see you’re taking Blogging 101. It was very, very helpful for me, and the people there are terrific. I read your last blog post. It was lovely. I’m sure you’re going to have great luck with your blog and enjoy doing it. It’s addictive actually, and Lord Drollery says I need an intervention! 😀


      • Through interactions from a mutual blogger, i hope it is cool to stop by, I am a new blogger in search for company as i explore the blogging world- Too many Beautiful Hearts around.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Geez, I now see another goof! But guess u figured it out! There are so many beautiful blogs and bloggers out there!
        Have you taken any blogging courses by WordPress? They are very helpful and it helps you find and make many new friends!
        Your blog is beautiful so it looks like you have taken courses on blogging! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha, i actually do a lot of writings, my girl on the other hand – Michelle, takes care of the designing mostly as well as writing and thank you for the suggestion. I, myself wish to still per take that course and understand the blogging stuff more. I will definitely get to it. Thank you for your guidance! I really appreciate it – Cezane

        Liked by 1 person

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